Courage + Stone Manhattan 750ml
The Classic Manhattan is the perfect balance between herbal vermouth, aromatic bitters, sweet spirit and oak spice. Just grab a glass, pour it on the rocks or stir it and serve it up. It starts at the source with craft distilled whiskey from the exceptional New York Distilling Co. in Brooklyn. No industrial alcohol, coloring, additives or other short cuts were used in the creation of these wonderful tipples. Blended and bottled onsite at the distillery in Brooklyn, New York.
ABV: 40.0%
In stock
The Classic Manhattan is the perfect balance between herbal vermouth, aromatic bitters, sweet spirit and oak spice. Just grab a glass, pour it on the rocks or stir it and serve it up. It starts at the source with craft distilled whiskey from the exceptional New York Distilling Co. in Brooklyn. No industrial alcohol, coloring, additives or other short cuts were used in the creation of these wonderful tipples. Blended and bottled onsite at the distillery in Brooklyn, New York.
ABV: 40.0%
We ship via a common carrier such as Fedex or UPS Ground to all states in the continental US (with some exceptions, below). An adult over the age of 21 with a valid ID must be present to receive the package, per alcohol laws. Packages cannot be left on stoops or doorways. Shipping takes 3-5 business days to most states.
This item cannot ship to Alabama, Arkansas, Michigan, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont.
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We can only accept the return of defective or damaged goods with proof of the defect or damage. In such instances we will offer a replacement of the same item (subject to availability), refund the credit card used to purchase the item, or issue a store credit for the amount that was paid for the item. We cannot accept returns of items that have been opened already.
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All returns must be made within 30 days of purchase.
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