La Tierra de Acre Tepeztate Mezcal
La Tierra de Acre Mezcal Tepeztate is a uniquely complex and eccentric product. The agave is harvested from the wild at ~25 years old and the abundance of flavors absorbed over the plants long life are reflected in the final product. It contains floral, herbal and root aromas, medium on the nose with the fresh flavor of sweet and citric notes.
Mezcalero: Honorato Cruz
Village: Santa Ana del Río
Region: Oaxaca, MX
Agave Species: A. Marmorata
Age of Agave: 25-30 years
Roast Duration: 5 days
Milling: Tahona (Stone)
Size of Tiñas: 250 L
Water Source: Spring
Still Type: Copper
Still Size: 250 L
ABV: 45.0%
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